A Philosophy of Intention and Action
Do you find yourself endlessly scrolling on your phone just to fill the time and distract yourself?
Can't fall asleep or stay asleep enough to feel energized and focused the next day... causing your work to suffer, perhaps your parenting, and definitely your passions and hobbies ("what passions and hobbies")?
Do you find yourself thinking about what other people might be thinking about you, comparing yourself to others... taking precious mental energy and time away from your life?
The philosophy at Your Thriving Legacy is one of LIVING NOW while you have the power to control your life. Not tomorrow (procrastination). Not yesterday (regret). Today. Right now.
And we will push every distraction out of the way to FOCUS and be INTENTIONAL about the life we're living, what we're doing with our time, and why we're doing it.
It's a miserable life waking up every day with no idea why you woke up and what you're going to do with the time you have. No drive, no motivation, no inspiration. Aimlessness. Randomness. Repetitive cycles and habits.
It begins with better health. Better physical health, better mental health, better spiritual health. BODY-MIND-SPIRIT, the trifecta of good overall wellbeing. "Your health is your wealth" -- and without it, EVERYTHING else suffers. Foundational health is key to successfully building the greatest and most thriving version of yourself.
With improved health comes improved mood, energy, focus, motivation, and more.
At Your Thriving Legacy, you will discover your own free and independent mind, get clear on your thoughts and ideas, destroy daily distractions, devote yourself to a definite plan forward in your journey, and learn to take consistent and persistent action every single day.
Don't worry what others think and what others do. Control your own thoughts, actions and life. Your Thriving Legacy will get you there.
Bobby's Clients Get Results
People Are Living More Confident Lives With Thriving Legacies Thanks To Coach Bobby:
Aric J. (Client)
Gio S. (Client)
Michael G. (Client)
Cassie G. (Client)
Patricia L. (Client)
Annamaria G. (Client)
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